Blog Post

Line or Branch Coverage: Which Type of Coverage is Right for You?

October 12, 2022 Tom Hu

Power lines and poles span the left side of the image with birds along the power wires against blue while the right side gradients to yellow with tree branches with birds resting in the leaves sheltered from the falling snow

One of the best ways to track testing on your team is with code coverage. But, there are many coverage types: line, branch, and function to name a few. Although most modern coverage tools output both line and branch coverage, it can be confusing to determine which one to use.

In this article, we’ll answer

  • what line and branch coverage are,
  • how to fully cover branches,
  • and which type of coverage to use (trick question, it’s both!)

What is line coverage?

Line coverage is a basic version of test coverage. When a test suite is run, code coverage records which lines of code were hit. Line coverage, thus, is the total number of lines run divided by the number of lines in the codebase.

Take, for example, this simple calculator in python.

def add(a, b):
    return a + b
def divide(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return "undefined"
    return a/b

We have two functions, add and divide. Both take in two numbers a and b. But in the divide function, notice that we check to see if b is zero. This makes sense as we don’t want to divide by 0.

Let’s mock out two tests, one for each function

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

def test_divide():
    assert divide(1, 2) == 0.5

If we run the tests above, we would expect the following green lines to be covered

def add(a, b):
    return a + b
def divide(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        return "undefined"
    return a/b

Notice that the if statement is run, but the return below is not run. This is due to the line not being run.

In our scenario, the coverage percentage would be 83.3% since 5 lines are run out of the 6 total.

What is branch coverage?

Branches typically on if statements, when there are 2 paths to take from an evaluation. Branch coverage, thus, measures the number of branches taken over the total number of branches. Let’s revisit our example from above.

In our code, we only have one if statement that has two branches: true and false. Either

b == 0


b != 0

Our tests only account for the second case, so we have 50% branch coverage.

What would happen if we wanted to increase our branch coverage to 100%? We would need to run the b == 0 case. Let’s see what our tests would look like.

def test_add():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

def test_divide():
    assert divide(1, 2) == 0.5
    assert divide(1, 0) == "undefined"

Now, we will be running by branches and our branch coverage would be 100%. Consequently, our line coverage would also be 100%.


Covering branches

Our example above looks at a simple if statement. But not all of them have only 2 branches. For a statement like A && (B || C), coverage calculation tests each possible combination of results.


A B C Result
True True True True
True True False True
True False True True
True False False False
False True True False
False True False False
False False True False
False False False False


However, many tools will do lazy calculations as covering all cases can be cumbersome and unnecessary. In these cases, it will overlook ambiguous values. For example, our previous example would shrink down to


A B C Result
True True ? True
True False True True
True False False False
False ? ? False


In this case, if 4 cases are written matching the above logic statements, we would see 100% branch coverage. This helps developers from having to explicitly write out all 8 paths. In this way, branch coverage can be a powerful way to account for edge cases.


Which type of coverage should you use?

As alluded to at the start, this is a trick question. If you want to get the most out of your code coverage, you should be using both line and branch coverage. Getting line coverage is important to track that all lines are being run. But tracking branch coverage helps to make sure that you aren’t missing edge cases.

Codecov will automatically merge both types of coverage if given the information. But it’s important to note that semi-covered branches are marked as partials and partials are not considered hits when calculating coverage.

If you are just starting with code coverage, it might be too challenging to invest in branch coverage immediately. But if you are comfortable with your line coverage, dive into branch coverage to really hone your testing practices.

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